Icon Dentistar

For the most beautiful smile

Dentistar stands for the good feeling of being in the best possible care. With our products, we focus on premium quality with added medical value. For a healthy and safe development - and even more fun in life!


For the most beautiful smile

Dental health starts with our unique pacifier. It is the world’s first with a patented dental step and the only one with an award from “Toothfreindly Association”. The Dentistar was developed in close cooperation with orthodontists. A 27-month clinical study proves its effectiveness.

Dentistar Schnuller

Sweet dreams are made of this

In addition to day pacifiers, our combo pack also contains night pacifiers. They are the ideal companions at night, because their plugs glow. This makes them easy to find even in the dark. Due to the anatomically shaped suction parts, they support the natural development of the milk teeth during sleep.

Produkt Linie Nacht Schnuller

Bye-bye pacifier

At some point, the time comes to say goodbye to the beloved pacifier. Since experience shows that this is a big step for most children, the Dentistar STOPPi® helps professionally and gently. The STOPPi® is used like a normal pacifier. But it belongs in front of the teeth – that is, between the lips and the row of teeth! The rear bite blocks make it fit perfectly in the mouth.

Produkt Linie Stoppi

An invitation to bite into

Our teething aids make teething easier for babies. Because they support the breaking through of the gums and massage them. This helps relieve pain and provides play and distraction. Our Hugstar as well as our teething stars, which are available in a classy way, a luminous night version and with a cooling function, are particularly handy for grasping, holding and promoting motor skills.

Dentistar Beißstern

For little foodies

Healthy nutrition is also essential for the development of the little ones – and this starts with the choice of the rHealthy nutrition is also essential for the development of the little ones – and this starts with the choice of the right accessories. That’s why we have developed a wide range of products to help babies slowly transition to independent drinking and complementary feeding. This way, children can be introduced to solid food carefully and without the risk of choking.

Produkt Linie Essen & Trinken

Clear thing

Our care products enable gentle oral care even before the first little teeth are there. The better the mouth is cleaned in babyhood, the more effectively the first teeth are protected from later damage. Our fingerling, the tooth gel and our mouth and tooth care sets accompany the little ones from the beginning until they can brush their teeth independently.

Produkt Linie Pflege

And that is not all

One thing is for sure: there is never a dull moment with babies! To offer the little ones even more, we are always expanding our product range. In addition to our sterilizer box, the UV sterilizer and our practical pacifier band, we currently also have environmentally friendly fabric masks and of course our rattling, cuddly soft motor ball in our range.

Dentistar Motorikball

Made with love in Germany

USP Made in Germany

We are a German family business with a lot of heart and experience. With our products we want to make life easier for babies and parents. Our focus is on the highest quality and pollutant-free materials.

To please teeth and eyes

USP Nacht Schnuller

We want to make life for families not only easier, but also more colorful. That’s why our designs are inspired by the joy of life of little ones and focus on bright colors, modern shapes and cute patterns. And we think one step further: Have you already seen our practical night pacifiers that glow in the dark?

For the next generation

USP Plastic Free

We are aware of our responsibility towards babies and families. That’s why we are thinking about tomorrow today and are eliminating plastic from all our packaging as far as possible.

With the highest standards to ourselves

USP Unser Anspruch

At Dentistar, we develop products that offer added medical value. For example, in close cooperation with leading dentists, we have succeeded in developing a new type of pacifier with a tooth-friendly dental step. This reduces the distance between the upper and lower incisors. This reduces the risk of an open bite and enables healthy jaw and tooth development.

Studie Universität Witten Herdecke

Long-term study by the University of Witten/Herdecke

Does the Dentistar really help to prevent dental malocclusions? This was investigated in a long-term study conducted by the University of Witten/Herdecke under the direction of Prof. Zimmer. The results of the study are impressive: While an open bite was found in every second child with conventional teats, this only occurred in 7% of children having used the Dentistar teats.

Fachzahnarzt Prof. Dr. Rolf Hinz

Our expert: Prof. Dr. Rolf Hinz

For Prof. Dr. Rolf Hinz, working with children has always been a central focus. Fascinated by the possibilities of dental prophylaxis, early orthodontic treatment and prevention became the focus of his work. In addition to various activities as a scientist, entrepreneur, orthodontist and university lecturer, he is also active as a publisher and specialist book author. Two of his works are “Milk teeth – from little tooth to tooth” and “Children’s teeth”.
Today he is a specialist dentist for orthodontics and works as an orthodontist in his practice “Prof. Hinz & Partner” in Herne, Germany.

Aktion Zahn-freundlich e. V.

Tested to be toothfriendly

The “Toothfriendly Association was founded in 1985 and is an association of scientists, doctors, dentists, nutritionists, journalists, private individuals and commercial enterprises. Its aim is to educate people about the links between dental health and nutrition. The awarding of tested products with the internationally protected trademark “Tooth Man with Umbrella” provides guidance in the selection of “sugar-free” goods.

Our Recommendations

Star Teether

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Day & Night Soother

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Tooth Care Starter Set

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Your child's best friend!

Babies have a natural need to suckle from birth, because it gives them a sense of security and calms them down in anxious moments. During breastfeeding, this need is satisfied in a natural way. To make your baby feel comfortable outside of breastfeeding times, you can give a pacifier if necessary.
However, the selection of pacifier shapes, different materials and their various properties may not make it easy for you as a parent to make the right choice. Often there are also questions and uncertainties: Does my baby really need a pacifier? And what effects does a pacifier have on jaw development? On this page, you will find useful tips on the correct use of pacifiers to make it easier for you to choose the right one.

Does my child need a pacifier?

Sucking is an innate, natural reflex that gives your child a safe and calming feeling. Soothers are often used in stressful situations, as a sleep aid or to relieve the pain of teething. When sucking, it is important that the soother is used in a targeted manner. However, we advise against using the soother for continuous sucking, as this increases the risk of malocclusion later on. The rule here is: as much as necessary, but as little as possible!

If your child wants to suck, a soother is more suitable than a thumb, as it can be used in a targeted manner, exerts less pressure on the jaw and teeth and is also easier to wean off.

In order to prevent misaligned teeth, we have developed the dentistar soother in close cooperation with dentists according to the latest scientific research. Compared to conventional pacifiers, the dentistar pacifier with its unique dental step reduces the risk of misaligned teeth.

What is the Dental-Step?

Sucking is an innate, natural reflex that gives your child a safe and reassuring feeling. Soothers are often used in stressful situations, as a sleep aid or to relieve the pain of teething. However, soothers often lead to misaligned teeth. We have therefore developed the dentistar soother in close cooperation with dentists in accordance with the latest scientific findings.

The special feature of the dentistar soother is the unique shape of the teat. It has an extra-flat shaft and an integrated dental step that offers more space for the tongue and therefore exerts up to 90% less pressure on the jaw and teeth than a conventional soother. This ensures maximum sucking comfort.

Integrated dental step & an extra flat teat

The dental step traces the teeth and palate so that the teeth can remain in their optimal and straight position. The extra-flat shaft minimizes the distance between the upper and lower incisors, preventing an open bite.

Sucking on a conventional pacifier creates a lot of pressure that is transferred to the jaw and teeth. This often results in misaligned teeth. The flat shaft of our Dentistar soother reduces the pressure on the jaw and teeth by up to 90 %. This can reduce misaligned teeth.

More space for the tongue

As the Dentistar soother is adapted to the shape of the palate and is slightly angled upwards, the tongue retains its natural forward space and tongue malfunctions (e.g. lisping) can be avoided.

What's the right size?

The dentistar soother is available in three different sizes. As the teat with the Dental-Step is designed to fit your baby’s palate and teeth perfectly, the shape changes with the three sizes to provide ideal support for jaw and tooth development. In contrast to conventional soothers, the dentistar soother takes the normal position of the teeth into account.

Size 1 – I don’t have any teeth yet

The dental stage is only slightly pronounced with Size 1. The small teat leaves enough room for the tongue.
Suitable from birth until the first tooth breaks arrives.

Size 2 – My first tooth is here

The dental step in the teat is clearly visible. This significantly reduces the pressure on the jaw and teeth.
Suitable from when the first tooth arrives.

Size 3 – My first molar is here

Size 3 has the most pronounced Dental-Step. The pressure on the jaw and teeth is reduced and the natural development of the milk teeth is optimally supported.
Suitable from the first molar.


Tooth development in babies is very individual. When choosing the right size, take your baby’s dental development into account. As soon as the first teeth appear, you should choose Size 2, even if your baby is still under 6 months old.

How much hygiene does a pacifier need?

In the first months of life (until the end of the 3rd month), your child’s immune system is not yet fully developed and therefore special attention must be paid to hygiene. As soon as the pacifier is dropped on the floor or otherwise soiled, it must be boiled before using again. For babies older than three months, it is sufficient to clean the pacifier with hot water and detergent and boil it once a day.
In principle, a pacifier should be replaced every one to two months – even if it appears to be completely intact. If cracks or other damage appear sooner, it must also be replaced immediately. As soon as your child starts to explore his environment on his own legs, a pacifier chain can ensure that the pacifier does not fall off.

Time to say goodbye? – When?

From the second year of life, we recommend slowly weaning off the pacifier. This allows the jaw and teeth to continue to develop healthily. Here, too, each child is very individual. Some find it easy to part with their faithful companion, while others are very attached to it. If your child does not want to give up the pacifier so easily, a little support and patience will help.

Dentistar STOPPi®
A practical help for the transition to pacifier-free time is the Dentistar STOPPi®.


The pacifier tree
In many places there is also a pacifier tree. The child can visit the pacifier tree and hang his or her pacifier on one of its branches. This makes it less difficult to say goodbye.

The pacifier fairy
Your child has a wish that can be fulfilled in exchange for the pacifier from the fairy. On a predetermined day, the child places his pacifier on the windowsill in the evening. The next morning, the pacifier fairy will have exchanged the pacifier for the wish (a toy or an activity).

When should I take my child to the dentist for the first time?

Daily dental and oral care will ensure that your child’s visit to the dentist is anxiety-free. Introduce your child to the dentist as early and regularly as possible – usually in the first year of life. This not only ensures that your child gets used to it quickly, but also that any misaligned teeth or increased risk of tooth decay can be detected early on.

When should I start brushing my child's teeth? How often do I have to brush?

Dental care right from the start

For many children, a toothbrush is initially a foreign object that they don’t want in their mouth. It therefore makes sense to prepare the child for the toothbrush before it is used. The best way to do this is by carefully massaging the still toothless jaw – e.g. with a fingerling. This allows your child to get used to it slowly.

From when the first teeth arrive, dental care should be carried out once a day. There are special, very soft baby toothbrushes for this. You should also use children’s toothpaste.

At around 2 years of age, most motor skills are developed well enough for your child to be introduced to independent dental care.

Tip: Children imitate their parents – even when brushing their teeth. That’s why you should make daily dental care after meals a shared ritual.

How can I encourage my child to brush their teeth?

Motivating children to brush their teeth is a major challenge for many parents. It works best when it’s fun and not forced. For example, listen to a funny toothbrushing song while brushing – this will distract your child a little and the brushing time will fly by.